Queer VideographyGENDER EUPHORIA POD TRANSCRIPTSShea Roberts Gyllen[00:00:00] Shea: We're gonna roll our D 20 s and go on this journey. [00:00:03] Shea: Got it. [00:00:04] Jasper: We're rolling our D 20...
Queer VideographyGENDER EUPHORIA POD TRANSCRIPTSYellow in Bloom with Mija Dandilion[00:00:00] Mija: Oh my god, that would be so epic if I reached under my chair and there was like a packet of gender euphoria or just like...
Queer VideographyGENDER EUPHORIA POD TRANSCRIPTSENBY Raccoons With Dey St. Pierre[00:00:00] Jasper: They just know that you're gonna rock it better than they will. [00:00:01] Dey: Yeah exactly! It's like, I'm sorry...
Queer VideographyGENDER EUPHORIA POD TRANSCRIPTSCapturing Joy with German Vasquez[00:00:00] German: It should be a sign of, you know, strength because, you know, the amount of the harder things that we have to deal...
Queer VideographyGENDER EUPHORIA POD TRANSCRIPTSCovid Trans Babies with Ania Upsill[00:00:00] Ania: I love the term Covid trans baby. But you're, you're so right, I think it was that sort of release from being in...